Introducing Polymarket Microgrants
With $100M+ traded since launching our Stage 2 beta just six months ago, Polymarket needs your help to continue building the world’s source for real-time, unbiased insights into the future

The Polymarket team is excited to announce our microgrants program that will support our community members who want to build, create, and innovate within our ecosystem. We could not have reached the $100M trade volume milestone without you, and we want to give you the opportunity to work on your passion project on our dime.
This initiative reflects our commitment to providing actionable data on the topics most important to society without the distortion of fake news and hot takes from pundits. Your projects will help grow the Polymarket community and expand the impact of information markets on society.
Remember: projects come in all shapes and sizes; they can be as groundbreaking or as simple as you’d like.
How Can I Get Involved?
- Pitch your project to us by filling out this form
- Our team will review your submission and provide feedback on your proposal
- If selected, we will quote you a grant. (Grant sizes range from $100 to $75,000!)
- Get to work 💪
- Keep us up-to-date on your progress and coordinate with us on your project’s debut
- Showcase what you and others in the Polymarket community are up to for the world to see
What Criteria Will You Consider for My Project?
- Impact: How much of an impact will your project have on our community and/or in educating the broader public about Polymarket
- Implementation: How difficult will this undertaking be and how long will it take to execute your vision
- Experience: What skills and experiences do you (or your team) bring to turn your pitch into a reality
Excited for your submission to hit our inbox!
P.S. Pumped about the program but need inspiration? Check out our wish list below!
Wish List
- Podcasts covering markets on a regular cadence
- Publication focused on information market-based journalism
- Tweetstorms that explain what Polymarket is, how it works, and what impact information markets can have on the world
- Viral memes about Polymarket (We 💖them)
- Bespoke research on future price movements for a market
- Retroactive analysis comparing the predictive power of Polymarket price data vs. other sources
- Content on how everyday people can benefit from information markets and better prepare for the future
Documentation (Text, Video, Audio)
- Polymarket user tutorials (especially video walkthroughs)
- Tutorials on using MetaMask
- Guides on providing liquidity
- Explainers on binary, categorical, and scalar markets
- Translations to make Polymarket accessible to non-English speakers
- ELI5 Polymarket: Ethereum, decentralized finance (DeFi), automated market makers (AMMs), liquidity pools, Layer 2 scaling (Matic / Polygon)
Bots and Tooling (B&Ts) (Example: Polymarket Whales)
- B&Ts that support trading on Polymarket (e.g., Profit/Loss tracking, interactive and more sophisticated charting for market prices, etc.)
- B&Ts that make peer-to-peer (P2P) deposits and withdrawals easier
- B&Ts that allow Polymarket data to be more accessible to the broader public
- Suggesting markets and drafting conditions & resolution criteria
- Building a social media presence on platforms like Reddit or Clubhouse
- Community-focused content that features developments within the community or spotlights on specific members (Text, Video, Audio)
- User support in Discord
- Research on automated market makers (AMMs) and proposals to improve technology
- Data analysis of Polymarket price data for academic purposes
- Academic papers about information markets